Festival season is here!

      Are you guys attending to any festival this Summer? Tell me, which one? Thinking about it, it would be a hard task to...

Are you guys attending to any festival this Summer? Tell me, which one?
Thinking about it, it would be a hard task to name a few artists to compose what would be "the perfect music festival"... According to Vogue Spain, names like Amy W., A.M., Sia, Nirvana or Bob Dylan would literally have a place under the sun. Oh, how much I agree with that! What about you? What would your ideal music festival be like?

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6 comentários

  1. São comentários como os teus que me fazem querer continuar cada vez mais! Muito, muito obrigada pelas palavras de carinho! ♡
    Adoro as tuas fotografias, fotografas tão, tão bem! Beijinhos, eu já te estava a seguir :))

  2. Lindas fotos. N festival acrescentaria Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Jason Marz.. e por ai vai .
    Mil beijos e uma ótima semana,

  3. Infelizmente com muita pena não vou a nenhum!
    Gostei muito das fotos <3

  4. Love that list of musicians! It would have to be a part hologram show though :)

    xx Yasmin

  5. Seria mesmo o festival ideal! Adorei as fotos :)
    Messy Hair, Don't Care

  6. As fotos estão giras.

    Isabel Sá


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